Str Traian Vuia


Scaune pentru copii

Scaune pentru copii

Rent a car Cluj Napoca


Produse și Servicii Adiționale Închirierii Auto

Rentanddrive va ofera scaune auto de inchiriat pentru siguranta copilului pe durata calatoriei. Alege unul potrivit greutatii si varstei copilului.
In Romania, este obligatoriu ca orice copil care are o inaltime de pana la 135 centimetri trebuie transportat in autoturism in scaun special sau cu dispozitiv de fixare adaptat inaltimii sale.

Rezerva o masina din Cluj cu un scaun auto pentru copii, online sau telefonic: 0040729927770

Sofer aditional

Imparte placerea de a conduce o masina inchiriata

Cand inchiriati o masina, un singur sofer este autorizat sa conduca. Daca doriti ca masina sa poata fi condusa si de o a doua persoana, se va aduga un sofer suplimentar la contractul de inchiriere iar Rentanddrive nu va va percepe nici o taxa suplimentara.

Soferul aditional trebuie sa fie de acord cu termenii si conditiile contractului de inchiriere.

De asemenea, soferul suplimentar trebuie sa aiba varsta minima necesara inchirierii unei masini si sa prezinte la biroul de inchiriere un permis de conducere valabil de cel putin 1 an.Produse și Servicii Adiționale Închirierii Auto

Pentru adaugarea unui sofer suplimentar la un contract existent, va rugam sa ne contactati online sau telefonic.

Echipament de iarna

Echipament de iarna

Echipament de iarna pentru masina inchiriata

Produse și Servicii Adiționale Închirierii Auto

Calatoriile in sezonul de iarna pot fi ingreunate de drumuri acoperite cu zapada. Masinile inchiriate din Cluj de la Rentanddrive sunt echipate cu anvelope de iarna pentru o siguranta sporita. Nu se aplica taxe suplimentare pentru acestea.

De asemenea, oferim optiunea de a inchiria lanturi de zapada.

Vezi recenziile noastre pe Google

Based on 824 reviews
Bogdan Radu Tarta
16:47 12 Feb 25
08:00 08 Feb 25
Services and communications spot on,only personal issue is the lack of Bluetooth in the vehicle i rented,otherwise everything smooth and without issues!
Adorian Susca
11:36 07 Feb 25
I recommend! Maximum seriousness! Quick pickup and delivery!
Barbara Fancsali
18:06 06 Feb 25
I am very satisfied. I had to travel home with my little son from Germany for an important family matter, so I urgently needed a rental car. I didn't have to pay a guarantee. This made my situation much easier. The car also included a suitable child seat. It was perfect for me. I can only recommend it to everyone! 👌🏻Thank you very much once again!🙏🏻
Sorin Birla
08:05 06 Feb 25
I strongly recommend renting a car from Rentanddrive.I rented two cars for one month, Skoda Ovtavia (2019) manual gearbox and Seat Leon (2017) automatic gearbox. The condition of the cars is very good, I have not had any technical problems.I appreciated the fact that I only paid the rental price, I was not asked for any additional fees. Super ok staff, I took over and handed over the car without any problem. Upon handing over the car, I was transported free of charge to a town on the outskirts of Cluj.Important to mention is that the vehicles have full CASCO insurance.The rental price for a week is very good from my point of view.
V Popovici
13:56 04 Feb 25
Ioana Andonie
12:54 04 Feb 25
Very delighted with the service!!!At any time they are waiting for you at the airport, highly recommendedAll the best!
Virgil Fleser
10:57 03 Feb 25
I'm glad I chose this companyI recommend to everyone, good cars and serious people
Adina Gabriela
12:57 01 Feb 25
I highly recommend Rentanddrive to anyone looking for a great value car rental with 10 customer service! I will definitely be back! 🚗✨
Darius Bilaniuc
03:01 30 Jan 25
Radu Jucan
16:28 28 Jan 25
Mircea-Daniel Hermann
04:16 27 Jan 25
Very fast and reliable processing, car as described, inexpensive, delivery possible at various locations! Highly recommended!
mariana mirza
21:38 24 Jan 25
Excellent treatment
David Gonda
19:13 22 Jan 25
Onutzik E
22:24 21 Jan 25
Super easy to get the car and very fast. If they trust you, you must trust them!Highly recommended!
vlad lenard
17:57 20 Jan 25
Very professional, clean car. I recommend 100%
Claudio Vararu
10:37 18 Jan 25
Total ok
Nicu Burduhos
19:47 17 Jan 25
Very affordable price and maximum seriousness.
Dan Andrei
13:31 17 Jan 25
Professional, all good!
Ioan Danut Ulici
21:37 15 Jan 25
Very satisfied, I recommend with confidence!!!

